As a handspinner who teaches spinning it's been getting harder and harder to find good quality fleece. In Barb I've found a rare gem, a great shepherd with terrific sheep! Solomon's fleece was one of the nicest Cormo fleeces I've had the pleasure of working with. The staple was strong, long, and fine. It washed to a bright creamy white and didn't require picking prior to washing to remove dirty tips.

Speaking of tips the fleece was strong and soft to the tips with no weathering. After washing unless you looked quite closely it was almost impossible to tell the sheared end from the tip, no tippiness here! The fleece was of even quality throughout with no large changes in length or quality from neck to shoulders to sides. When I unrolled the fleece there were no 'nasty' surprises inside. The fleece had no dags, barnyard or even the expected occasional second cut accompanying it! All of this fleece is useable without hours of picking and sorting.

I could go on and on about how much I love this fleece and how Barb has been so wonderful to deal with. If you'd like to ask me a question about Barb's wonderful fleece or dealing with Barb please email Barb and she can forward your email to me (due to spam I don't want to openly post an email). It was a struggle for me to post such a strong recommendation of her fleece because I'd selfishly like to keep it all for myself but Barb deserves credit for all the hard work her shepherding skills reflect.



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